


What is meant by Hematology?
The word Hema is commonly known as blood. The Hematology is the branch or
subdivision of internal medicine and it deals with the diagnosis, causes,
treatment, and prevention of blood related disorders. Simply we can say that it is
the study of human blood anatomy. Furthermore, its superior purpose is that, to
detect and cure any problem that disturbed the human blood functions such as
disturbance in blood cells, blood vessels, white blood cells, platelets, bone
marrow, and some important proteins that are essential for many bleeding
functions. That is why the study of Hematology plays an outshone role.

Diseases That Are Related To Blood.
Here we discuss:

2-Anemia (most common disease).
3-Thalassemia (the result of these diseases are severe heart issues, bone
deformities, enlarged spleen, and un-developmental growth in children.
4-Iron deficiency disorder. Its symptoms are pale skin, weakness, chest pain, cold
feet and hands, brittles nails, and headache.
5-Sickle cell disorder. In which the shape of the red cell is changed.
6-Aplastic anemia. Symptoms are nausea or upset stomach, blood in stool,
bruising, shortness of breath, and tiredness.
7-Genetic disorders.
8-Megaloblastic disease. Its signs are diarrhea, trouble in walking, lack of energy,
numbness, and tingling.
9-Hemolytic anemia disorder. It involves fever, dark color urine, and jaundice.
10-Alpha thalassemia and Beta thalassemia. In which the body are unable to meet
the need for hemoglobin.
11-Leukemia (white blood cell disorder).                                                                   
12-Lymphoma. Its symptoms are night sweats, itchy skin, swelling occurs in the neck, joints, and armpits.
13-Myeloma. It involves nausea, fatigue, bone pain, constipation, infection, and
sudden weight loss.
14-Leucocytosis. Poor appetite, fever, dizziness, bleeding, and pain in legs, arms,
15-Hemochromatosis. It involves impotence, diabetes, pain in the abdomen,
weakness, pain in joints, and loss of sex drive.
16-Erythrocytosis. It refers to bleeding in nose and headache.
17-Hypercoagulable disorder.
18-Immune thrombocytopenic disorder.
21-Polycythemia vera.
22-Thrombotic thrombocytopenic.
23-Pernicious anemia.
24-Autoimmune hemolytic anemia.
25-Myelodysplastic syndrome MDS. These are white blood cells disorder.
26-Primary thrombocythemia.
27-Malaria. This infection demolishes human red blood cells.
28-Blood cancers. This disturbed the performance of red blood cells.
29-Thrombosis. Forming blood clots in blood vessels.
30-Bleeding disease in this disorder the human body not forming blood clots.

Symptoms And Signs.
Most known symptoms and the sign of blood-related diseases are:
1-shortness of breath.
3-Chronic infection.
4-Sudden weight loss.
5-Lack of oxygenated blood.
6-Sudden speedy heartbeat.
7-Muscle weakness.
8-Bleeding from nose and gums.
9-Slow healing process.

Tests That Hematologist Recommend.
1-White blood cell test WBS.
2-Hemoglobin tests HB. This test checks the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.
3-Differential white blood cells.
5-Renal profiling.
6-Vitamin B12 deficiency tests.
7-Red blood cell deficiency tests.
8-Blood tests to identify heart disorder risk.
9-Blood enzyme tests.
10-Blood chemistry tests.
11-Bone marrow biopsy.
12-Blood transfusion.
13-Platelet count test.

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