
Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Corona virus is a large group of viruses in which some may cause illness in both humans and animals such as bats, camels and civet cats.

The diseases cause by corona viruses are extending from common cold and cough to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and middle-east respiratory syndrome (MERS).


Covid-19 is the name of the disease that is caused by the one of the corona virus , In COVID-19 CO- means corona, VID- mean virus disease and 19 is the year,  COVID-19 and the disease were first observed in Wuhan ,China in 2019 and were unknown before the outbreak.


The patient of COVID-19 could have a dry cough, fever, shortness of breath (pneumonia related symptoms), tiredness, nasal congestion, these symptoms increase gradually, Some infected people don’t develop any kind of symptoms and most people (about 80%) improve from the disease without requiring and special treatment.1 out of 7 patients of COVID-19 develop serious symptoms of breathing difficulty.


Coronavirus is zoonotic, meaning that they can be conveyed between animals and humans. COVID-19 can be transmitted from the coughing or sneezing droplets of an infected person (stay 1 meter away from infected person), and if these droplets fall on some surfaces then these surfaces are also the source of COVID-19. Several coronavirus is present in animals that have not infected humans.

Is COVID-19 airborne?

No COVID-19 is not airborne means that it cannot be spread by the air, the chances of getting COVID-19 is not through the air but droplets or infected surfaces. Incubation: Incubation means the time period between the entry of virus and when the first symptom appears, the incubation period of coronavirus is range from 7 to 14 days, for this reason the people who might have COVID-19 are being asked to isolate themselves for 14 days.


To avoid the spreading of the disease we must do follow these steps:

1) Wash your hands frequently.

2) Keep one meter distance from the person who is sneezing or coughing

3) Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.

4) Cover your nose or mouth when you sneeze or cough

5) Do not travel to those areas where there’s a higher chance of getting COVID-19

 What should I do if I got COVID-19?

Stay at home for 7 days if you these symptoms

1) Fever – you feel hot on your chest and back

2) Continuous dry cough

Do not go to hospital or pharmacy, drink plenty of water, and if the symptoms are getting worse call your doctor.

Are there any medicine or vaccine for COVID-19?

There is no current vaccine is yet introduced to treat COVID-19, but some possible vaccines and some anti-viral drugs are being investigated and are being tested on animals. WHO does not recommend home remedies or other anti-biotic drugs because anti-biotics only kills bacteria and other home remedies may provoke the symptoms.

Will hot weather stop the spreading of COVID-19?

It is under investigation that change in temperature can change the behavior of the disease, but some other related viruses such as cold and flu spread more in the winter season, but it does not mean that it is impossible to get flu in other seasons, at this time there is not much information about the virus and the studies are still investigating.


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